A few of my favorite things:
- A friend asking to pray together
- Laughing with friends
- Long walks under a beautiful full moon
- A well blended margarita
- The peace of home after a hectic day
- The sound of my guitar when it's really in tune
- Lenny Kravitz's belly (yeah even the once scary belly button)
- Linens fresh from the dryer
- Slow winds on a sunny day
- A long all over laugh
- The sound of rain hitting the street as Miles Davis plays in the background
- Telephone calls from my niece
- Flannel sheets on a chilly night
- Candles, candles, everywhere
- Music for every mood
- Sipping a peach daiquiri while a friend lounges on my couch being introduced to Over The Rhine’s release: "EVE"
- Group hugs
- Bear hugs
- Sweaty hugs
- Hugs in general
- Being with people who are ok with you being you
- Silly laughter
- My new ring from my friend margarita at: www.pixieprincess.com
- Giving and receiving encouragement
- Friends
- A good cup of coffee
- Memories that make me laugh
- Garlic/cheese grits (who knew)
- Seeing friends I haven't seen in awhile
- Walking in the rain to a venue and hearing someone happily scream out your name
- Jungle Jims in Ohio
- Clean underwear
- Full belly laughs
- A good sneeze
- A well fitting bra
- My friend Bruce’s sense of humor
- Kylie's hospitality
- Clean bathrooms
- David Letterman's meaningless monologues
- Leopard print
- When I’m able to sleep until God and the angels think I need to get up
- Good friends
- Hope
- Body pillows and fav blankies on rainy days
- Miles Davis
- John Coltrane’s : Coltrane Plays the Blues CD
- The way Aiden on Sex In The City looks at Carrie
- Amanda’s friendship
- Seeing people smile because of some random act of kindness
- Nicole’s camping style
- The peeps who hang out in the Orchard
- Eucalyptus candles in my kitchen
- French Onion Dip
- Cheap price of ramen noodles
- www.radioparadise.com
- A clean desk
- A child's laughter
- Sweet guitar playing
- Michelle's story telling
- Turning off the music during a road trip and just talking
- Being with my beautiful friend Nicole for her first taste of the song 'Latter Days'
- Candles and warm blankets
- Long hot showers
- P.F. Changs
- True masters of the poetic verse
- Songs that really make me feel SOMETHING
- Rush’s 2-disk dvd set: Live In Rio
- Reading
- Writing
- Finding something in my mailbox other than bills
- Spinach salad
- Hawaiian sweet rolls
I know I’ve mentioned my friends a bunch of times but I really do love and appreciate them so much...so much more than I can ever help them understand.They have a way, collectively and individually, of making the world seem a little bit more secure and small. They make me laugh when I don't think I have a laugh anywhere in my soul. And they accept the sunshine days and the totally bitchy days as just another part of life.
My friends are helping me become a better person, find humor, and discover daily it's ok just being me.
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