As humans and sexual beings, where does our personal identity begin and end in relation to our sexual identity?
The question appears because of a conversation a friend and I had recently in reaction to some acquaintances that identify with a very alternative sexual lifestyle. Normally we could care less -- well, as long as it’s not with an animal, no one is underage, unwilling, and no one gets hurt – all we ask is that everyone use protection.
What we have been batting back and forth is: what about those who appear to have no identity outside of whom they are fucking or who is fucking them?
When this situation presented itself, it was very affronting. It left a bad taste in our mouths the same way door-to-door evangelists and used car salesmen do. – It was wayyy too much – way too over the top – way too look at me.
Because of the manner that we were introduced, we cannot think of the other parties other than penis’ and vaginas – they are like walking and talking genitalia seeking a warm place to rest and let me tell you, that’s not the way I wish to think of others.
Among my friends and acquaintance, there is no one else that I consider in this way. My associates are straight, gay, bi, asexual, poly, conservative, liberal, promiscuous, reserved, and all the labels in between yet none present as only identified by their sexual orientation.
Maybe its voyeurism or low self-confidence that makes people not see themSELVES as separate from their chemistry?
Maybe it’s my desire to know the person as a whole. Being given only one part as an identifier for the rest leaves too large a hole unfilled.
Yeah, it got us talking but I’m not sure it’s in a good way.
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