i am zayne

lover of: music and words,thunderstorms and full moons,mountains and sweet breezes,poetry and prose,nursery rhymes and firelights.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Reaction after the Feb. 2005 State of the Union Address:

(From an email conversation)

Ok -- I need someone to help me understand something because Bush and Dick tend to confuse the heck out of me!

Why is it he refers to other countries as evil because they have weapons? He keeps saying all these "evil" countries need to be disarmed for the safety and security of the world and for democracy.

Ok -- if this is the premise he is laying out, shouldn't he refer to the US as the EVIL United States of America? I ask this because the last time I checked, the US had more and superior weapons systems, nuclear arsenals, and even dirty bombs at it's disposal than the countries he names as enemies of peace do.

He also stated that success for Iraq will be seen as: "A country that is democratic, representatives of all its people, at peace with its neighbors, and able to defend itself."

Wondering how he can set that is a lasting agenda in another country when those issues haven’t been resolved in America. Doesn't he realize that we are at war with ourselves!

Also, I agree that the legal system needs help -- BUT look in the direction he is looking in:
"Justice is distorted and our economy is held back by irresponsible class actions and frivolous asbestos claims, and I urge Congress to pass legal reforms this year. (Applause.)"

So class action suits and asbestos suits are "frivolous". I am hoping he has to answer that one. Is this a way to protect the big drug companies and big business from having to take responsibility for their actions???

Maybe I’m reading too much into all of this -- I’ve never hidden the fact that I DO NOT LIKE NOR DO I TRUST gw bush.

Needing someone to help me get a grip on this? I just don't get it!


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