Cornerstone Festival 2006 – Bushnell, IL Part 1 - Day 1 Music
I went on my annual trek to Illinois again this year thanks to my friends Amanda and Zeb that I made at last year’s feast.
I am still amazed at the caliber of people I have met over the years at Cornerstone Festival. I have even attended in years that I have found none of the music or seminars appealing. To me, Cstone is mostly about the people…the music is just a part of the soundtrack of our lives.
As in previous years, my schedule was frustrated by a few concert conflicts that had me shaking m y fist toward the music gods. Who in their right mind would schedule Over the Rhine, Starflyer, and Michael Prizl leading worship all on the same night/morning at the same time????
I arrived Tuesday evening to cool tent setting weather. Getting there was a struggle – but that will be touched in another post.
After setting up and resting a little, I took a little time to walk about the 576+ acres of the feast ground like getting reacquainted with an old friend.
My trek took me to the campsite of my friends at camp 77’s. It was so good to see familiar faces belonging to people with whom I don’t have to pretend to be sane or 100% lady-like 100% of the time. It’s good to have people in my life that allow me to take the pressure off.
After hanging with the Camp 7’s people, I met up with my camp mates, and laughed at nothing deep into the corn and soy fields too late and too long after stupid o’clock.
So hear goes my Cstone 2006 Stuff, Part Uno --
Madison Greene is a band in flux. They basically exist for festival reasons only. The first part of the show was classic MG – the last part was not – It was Michael Blair showing his new stuff from his new band and project. I think I will like it once I give it a chance, but I was expecting one thing and got another.
They did attempt my fave MG song, Crywater Prayer, but the female lead did not possess the chops to carry the song. Always sad when a beloved band passes on.
Lost Dogs are not my fave band. I stayed at the tent because I was chatting with friends I hadn’t seen in awhile, the coffee was flowing, and I was too tired to find something else to do.
Again, I’m not a LD fan but I will listen to them live because of their ‘famous’ electic humor but this year…this year, I just found myself shaking my head saying, “they need to take some time off to write new material.” They used the same jokes they used last year, the performance felt flat, and I was bored. Thank goodness for iced Thai coffee.
Next up – The 77’s!!!!!!!
OK – maybe I should take away an exclamation point or 6.
I cannot recall a past time that I came away from a 77’s show without the feeling of afterglow – well, until this year.
The first part of the show FLAT, FLAT, FLAT. The only real excitement was Bruce beating the hell out of his snares and having to make a few replacements. Mark was full of his strength again. The last time I saw Mark, he had cut his hair way short; it was nice to see it back again.
I said flat, flat, flat, but I’m not sure if that is the correct way to describe… more disjointed and felt unrealized. It appeared to me that Mike had walked onstage with someone else’s band. Mark and Bruce gelled right off – Mike seemed like a man in the wrong home.
I know that Mark and Bruce work together in their hometown with their gig designed for bass and drums – I came away from the set wishing I could see that. This incarnation of the 77’s was not up to their former glory. Musically, they sounded OK but their hearts did not seem to be in it. It was like watching lovers who you know just had the biggest spat in their lives try to keep the sex date they made an hour earlier when they liked one another.
That said -- I love this band. Generally, their live shows are like no other. They are all talented musicians and I hope they get their legs back soon. I haven’t given up on the band, I know their potential and I remember that everyone has a bad day one in a while. Maybe they need to just throw caution to the wind and get out on the road TOGETHER again.
After the 77’s midnight show, I returned to my campsite and prayed that my sleep would not be interrupted by the pee gods which would force me to venture out into the night to the gross Johnny on the Spots.
Next up: Thursday July 6th Band offerings.